10 Ways To Motivate Yourself So You Actually Get Stuff Done

Have you been struggling to be motivated lately? Are you wanting to learn tips and tricks on how you can get yourself motivated again so that you actually get things done?

In this blog post I talk about 10 ways to motivate yourself .

10 ways to motivate yourself

This post is about ways to motivate yourself.

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Actually Get Things Done

1. Break it down

It’s understandable to feel unmotivated when you feel like your plate is only getting fuller by the minute. To make things a little less overwhelming, try breaking up your tasks into chunks.

Breaking tasks down can help things feel more manageable which can positively impact our productivity levels.

When we feel our workload is doable, it makes it easier to get stuff done. As we achieve our first task of the day, it will be easier to get other tasks done.

2. Find inspiration

When I’ve lost motivation in the past to do anything, it was because I’ve hit a slump and let me tell you, it is never a fun feeling.

Something that I’ve done in the past to combat this feeling and actually get me out of a slump is to find inspiration in my day-to-day life – and one of the ways that I do this (and is my absolute favourite) is making a vision board.

My vision board is a reflection of my goals and desires, and having this somewhere I can always see helps remind me of my goals and aspirations.

Whether it’s listening to music, journaling, connecting with others, or being out in nature, there are many things we can do or places to go to find inspiration.

3. Have a routine in place you will follow for the day

Spending a few minutes creating a routine for the day can be a helpful strategy to maximize your time and actually get stuff done.

All you have to do figure out is determine when you will be working on these tasks.

4. Remind yourself of your “why”

What is it that you are working towards in life? What are your goals?

Asking yourselves these questions can help remind you of your purpose and what exactly it is you are working towards. Often times, all we are needing is a little redirection and this involves self-reflection.

5. Switch up your environment

Changing your environment here and there is a great way to keep things fresh. I know that when I’m not really motivated to do anything, switching up my space almost always does the trick.

When it comes to studying, for example, I try to make sure I change locations as much as I need to.

For instance, I might spend one day studying at home and I would go to campus the next day to switch up locations.

6. Have fun with it

Working on stuff does not have to be boring. Whether you’re studying for exams, cleaning your room, or any other tasks, there are small things you can do to keep things fun and light.

Curate the perfect playlist. Have snacks and refreshments on the side. Listen to a podcast. Light a candle to set the vibe.

For me personally, I love having my diffuser running while I listen to a relaxing playlist on Spotify. And snacks are a must!

Do whatever is fun and works for you.

7. Set incentives

One way that gets me motivated to get things done on the daily is having a reward system. Setting incentives helps me be intentional with my goal(s) for the day.

I am essentially betting myself every time I do this – I reward myself ONLY if I do the things I told myself I was going to do.

how to motivate yourself everyday


  • You don’t have to spend money in order to reward yourself. If you are wanting to splurge a little, sure go ahead – but rewarding yourself can be inexpensive and/or entirely free.
  • Ways to treat yourself that don’t cost money: have a DIY spa night, go on a walk, have a movie night, make a home-cooked meal, enjoy a glass of your favourite wine, give yourself a manicure/pedicure, etc.

8. Remember the “I get to” vs “I have to” mindset

Something that I have been doing recently is reminding myself that I “get to” do something, rather than ” I have to.”

I know that anything on our to-do list feels like another chore we have to get done, and well… we all know chores really aren’t the most fun thing to do. But when you tell yourself “I get to” rather than “I have to” it reframes your mind into thinking that there’s at least some benefits in what you’re doing.

In the past when I had zero motivation to study, instead of telling myself that “I have to” study, I would say “I get to” study.

“I get to study so that I do really well on this exam.”

“I get to study so I gain more knowledge. I get to study to build a good future for myself.”

Now, it may take some time getting used to but it’s such a powerful way to reframe your mindset.

9. Rest

I’m a firm believer that rest is just as important as work.

When we are lacking motivation, it may be a sign that your body and mind needs to rest and refocus. Sometimes it could also possibly mean you are experiencing burnout.

In order for us to work productively in our everyday lives, we must first take of ourselves and that is including our mental health.

Remind yourself that taking a break is okay and necessary for our well-being!

10. Figure out when you are most productive

Do you work better in the morning or at night? Figuring out when you are most productive is key so that you can set aside a specific time period in an entire day to work.

I know for a fact that when I try to force myself to work during a certain time when I’m least productive, it’s like pulling teeth and there’s really no use.

Figuring out when I work the best sets me up for success 99.9% of the time.

This post was all about 10 ways to motivate yourself.

Love, Veronica

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