
Meet Veronica

Oh hey there. Welcome to Love, Veronica – a space where the everyday person can find inspiration related to self-care, personal growth and all things lifestlye.

bonjour, mon ami!

I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m the 24 year old Canadian lifestyle blogger behind ‘Love, Veronica.’ I’m an ambivert, bookworm, football fanatic, wine-lover, & organization junkie with big hopes and dreams.

Taking pictures and content creation has always been fun to me and my blog allows me to do just that.

My dream is to make this blog a space where the everyday person can find inspo on personal growth, productivity hacks, and healthy habits and self-care tips.

When I’m not working on my blog, you can find me cooking in the kitchen, reading on my Kindle, making vision boards on Pinterest, or enjoying a glass of wine.

Get to know me


French vanilla cappuccino

I recently read

Isn’t It Bromantic? By Lyssa Kay Adams

on weekends you’ll find me…

Working on the blog, cuddling with my pup Cooper, and spending time with family.

I couldn’t live without

My Kindle

Morning person or night owl?

Definitely a night owl

last movie i watched

Anyone But You

favorite travel destination

San Francisco, CA

Best piece of advice i’ve received

Don’t wait for the perfect time to do something because you don’t know what the future holds.

Let’s collaborate

interested in a collab? I’d love to connect!


Start a blog because you actually want to and not because of the money. Blogging is not an overnight process and requires hard work, dedication, and patience. Apart from that, stay true to yourself and create content that is authentic to you as a person and your lifestyle.

For collaborations + business inquiries, please send me a message using the contact form.