5 Realistic Tips On How To Be Okay Being Single

Are you currently single and wanting to know how you can enjoy your own company? In this blog post, we will be talking about 7 tips on how you can enjoy being single and be content with life. 

Do you currently feel like everyone around you is in relationships except you? Maybe you have been out of the dating scene for a few months or years now. Maybe you have never actually been in a relationship. Regardless of your situation, being single can be a lonely journey.

Listen, I have been there. I know what it is like watching other people get into relationships and feeling like everyone else is taken but yourself. However, overtime, I have learned ways on how to enjoy being single and not get caught up in what is going around me and let that affect my happiness. By reading this blog post, you will learn different ways on how you can embrace your singleness.

how to be okay being single

This post is about how to enjoy being single.

Tips on How To Be Okay with Being Single

1. Ask Yourself If You Are Actually Ready For a Relationship

A lot of us single ladies spend time wishing we were in a relationship already. We fantasize all the cute things that comes with being in relationship but have you sat down and asked yourself if you would truly be ready to get into a relationship if it were to happen today? If your answer is not a clear yes, maybe that is a sign that a relationship is not a priority for you right now.

Not only should you ask yourself if you are ready to be in one, but if you actually want to be in one right now?

Are you someone who is enjoying your freedom right now? Maybe you are actually loving the fact that you get to spend time alone and not be tied down to someone else right now that you cannot imagine giving this up just yet.

2. Work On Yourself

When you are single, you have more time to work on yourself and your goals. Maybe you are currently in school and you are focused on excelling in your classes. Maybe you are trying to live a healthier life and focused on getting in shape. Regardless of what it is, take advantage of this opportunity to improve yourself and become a better you.

Go to therapy. Find new hobbies. Get your finances in order. Build your social circle.

All in all, embrace the time you have now and do all the things you have been wanting to do for yourself.

3. Trust the Universe/God’s Timing

As I have gotten older, I somehow learned to trust the timing of my life more. Trusting God helped me become more patient waiting for things I was desiring. I am a firm believer that everything comes your way at the exact time you need it.

If you are currently waiting for a partner/relationship and it has not come your way yet, try not to fret. There is a purpose for every season and maybe this season is trying to teach you something about yourself.

4. Remember that Social Media Is not Real Life

Have you seen those picture-perfect photos of couples looking so in love and happy all the time? It is so easy to get caught up in all the glitz and glamour we see on social media, but we have to remember that majority of the pictures you see online are carefully curated.

Bottom line is: We never know what is going on behind the scenes of people’s lives. We only see what other people want us to see. So with that said, the next time you are feeling down about your relationship status while you’re scrolling through your feed, remember that you are only seeing a teeny-tiny percentage of that person’s life.

5. Focus on Building Healthy Relationships That You Have Right Now

We sometimes get so caught up in the idea of romantic partners, that we tend to forget to water the relationships we have right now, whether that is with our family or friends.

A relationship with a romantic partner is not the only relationship you have to work on. Your relationships with your family members and friends deserve effort and time too. Treat your friendships the way you would a romantic relationship if you were in one today.

Show up for your family and friends. Work on being a better communicator. Respect and build trusting relationships with them. Show them that you care for them and they are an important part of your life. Bottom line is, put effort in your relationships. And remember, actions speak louder than words.

This post was all about tips on how to embrace your singleness.

Which one of these tips resonated with you? Comment down below!

xx Love, Veronica

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