13 Insanely Simple Things You Can Do to Make Today a Great Day

make today a great day

This post is all about how to make today a great day.

13 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Today Awesome

1. Make your bed

Start the day off right by making your bed every morning. Making your bed creates a sense of accomplishment and discipline before even getting the day started.

How you spend your mornings sets the tone for the rest of your day.

2. Pray

As a believer myself, spending time with God is a big part of my everyday life.

If you’re a believer, maybe you can resonate and agree that prayer is a vital source of comfort and relief.

3. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for

Did you know that, according to Harvard, practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on our health and help boost our levels of happiness?

Spending a few minutes each day reflecting on what we are thankful for puts things into perspective. There is always something to be thankful for.

4. Listen to uplifting music

It’s very rare for me to go a day without listening to music.

Nothing boosts my mood quite like upbeat and feel-good songs. Sometimes we just need to let loose even if that means having a sing-along in the car en route to work, or a solo dance party at home.

You may also like: 39 Feel Good Throwback Songs Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face

5. Journal

A lot of people like to journal, some really don’t and that’s okay.

Journaling has several health benefits. For me personally, journalling allows me to express whatever is in my mind and help reduce my stress levels. Whenever I am feeling anxious, writing down my thoughts on paper helps takes weight off of my shoulders.

6. Do something nice for somebody

Recall the last time you did something kind for someone else. Didn’t it feel good to do something nice for another person?

Whether that’s lending a hand out or being generous towards others, being kind makes us happier and fulfilled.

7. Smile!

Smiling has many benefits that I didn’t know before. Not only is smiling contagious, but it can improve your mood and confidence.

8. Stay connected with others

Did you know that staying socially connected with others have benefits towards our mood, emotions, and overall well-being?

Even with a busy schedule, I make sure I carve out time in my day to connect with family and friends. That can look like hopping on a FaceTime call with my best friends to catch up, or eating dinner together as a family.

9. Schedule some ‘me time’

I cannot emphasize the importance of self-care enough. Everyday I dedicate time for myself to do whatever I want. That could look like reading a book before bed, having a spa night, or cooking ( my favourite).

With that said, finding time in your day where you an squeeze some self-care is important in your overall well-being.

10. Move your body

My favourite form of exercise currently is going on long walks. Not only is it good for my physical health, but I feel mentally refreshed. Long story short, I feel less stressed and more calm after moving my body.

Moving your body doesn’t have to be strenuous. It can be as simple as going on walks, stretching, yoga, or even having a dance party by yourself.

11. Recite positive affirmations

I am a firm believer in the power of positive affirmations. Everyday I like to set intentions using affirmations as I am about to start my day to combat and overcome self-limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.

Our words are powerful. What we think becomes our reality.

12. Do something spontaneous

Have you ever felt like your daily routine was getting monotonous? Everyday is exactly the same as you’re doing the same things day by day.

I’ve definitely been there. Ways that I’ve broke the cycle of monotony is trying something new and different. Whether that’d be trying a restaurant I’ve always wanted to dine at, taking a different route to work, or doing something I’m scared of.

13. Hug your loved ones

When was the last time you gave someone a hug? Did you know that hugs improve stress levels, decrease pain, and increase happiness?

When we’re going through a difficult time or it’s the people around us who are having a rough day, a hug is what you and them might just need.

This post was all about 13 ways on how to make today a great day.

Love, Veronica

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