11 Insanely Simple Self Care Night Routine Ideas To Help You Relax Before Bedtime

Curious on how to build a self care night routine you will actually love AND help you get a good night rest? Here are 11 effective tips for a relaxing and peaceful night routine.

One of the things I absolutely look forward to every winter season is being able to build a cozy self care night routine. As I have gotten busier in life, having a relaxing night routine that works for me has been essential to my mental health. In this blog post, you will learn insanely simple, yet effective tips on how to create a cozier self care night routine that will help you feel well-rested the next morning.

This post is all about how to build a self care night routine.

self care night routine

Best Self Care Night Routine Ideas

   1. Take a relaxing shower

Something that has always helped me feel calm and relaxed before bedtime is washing off the day in the shower. This is especially helpful after a long, chaotic and stressful day, and taking a relaxing shower almost always does the trick. 

I like to create the perfect atmosphere by turning down the lights and getting the temperature of the water just right. Ocasionnally, I will put music on the background but not always. 

I do not really do anything extravagant or luxurious either. I just like to spend an extra 5-10 minutes and take my time and really relax. Usually I love to indulge in some stress-relief body wash from Bath and Body Works because I just love how it smells. Additionally, I also like to exfoliate my skin and do anything else I need to do like shave and condition my hair. 

    2. Wear your favourite pair of comfy pajamas

Do I need to say more? There is no better feeling than putting on your warmest and coziest pair of pajamas by the end of the day.  

Tip: Make your life easier by laying out your clothes before you hop in the shower (because who likes rummaging through their drawers with dripping wet hair?) 

    3. Keep your bedroom cool and dark

Keeping my room dim and cool every night does wonders for me. Though I must say, it is way easier to keep your room cool during the winter season, and a little harder in the summertime (unless you crank your A.C all season) but a cool and dark room definitely keeps things nice and cozy. 

    4. Stretch your body

I came across a post online a long long time ago of stretching poses you can do before bed to help you fall asleep quicker. I tried it one night and lo and behold, I slept like a baby. 

If you are ever feeling tense before bedtime, maybe spending a few minutes stretching your body is worth giving a try. 

    5. Keep your space clutter-free

A clean space is a clean mind. I do not know about you, but I cannot stand having a messy room when I am suppose to be settling in bed. Maybe I am just very particular when it comes to cleanliness. However, I would have a hard time getting into relaxation mode when my environment is full of clutter. 

    6. Put on relaxing background ambience music

Another way I like to do to set the mood is playing relaxing background music in my room. Usually I will have music in the background while I do some reflection in my journal while sipping on a hot drink. Overall, it really helps set the mood and put my mind at ease.

    7. Indulge in aromatherapy or light a candle

With my candle obsession these days, my room is always smelling amazing. All in all, I just love the calming ambience candles create, helping me to ultimately feel relaxed. 

    8. Sip on some warm milk

Okay I never ever drank warm milk before bed in my life. Then, I tried it for the very first time recently and I had my doubts in the beginning, but you guys, this stuff freakin’ works.  Supposedly, milk contains ‘tryptophan’ which helps produce melatonin and serotonin in the body, which in turn helps you feel sleepy. 

    9. Pray

My faith is a huge part of my day-to-day life. No matter how my day went, praying every night helps me stay grounded and gives me comfort. 

   10. Listen to ASMR 

Everytime I listen to ASMR, it feels like I am getting a head massage lol. If you watch ASMR yourself, you would know the tingling feeling you get and how good it feels lol. 

   11. Avoid checking your social media

I am trying to be better at this because it can be really challenging not to go on your phone when you are trying to settle into bed. In all seriousness though, the last thing you want though is your brain getting overstimulated right before going to sleep. I know it is hard to lay off social media but you will thank yourself in the morning. 

This post was all about night routine ideas

Which of these ideas did you like and would want to implement into your night routine? Comment down below and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Love, Veronica xx

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